How To Present A Domestic Violence Defense

Being accused of domestic violence is a situation that calls for immediate attention. If a problem appeared out of nowhere, though, you might feel like you've been caught flat-footed. Presenting a defense demands a structured approach, and it's wise to follow these steps. Stop All Contact Regardless of the circumstances, do your level best to cut off all contact. If communication is necessary, retain the services of a domestic violence attorney in order to install a buffer between the two of you.

Questions to Raise When Facing DUI Charges

If you're facing DUI charges, you may be wondering how to start presenting a defense. With the support of an attorney, you may be able to bring the following four concerns to the attention of the court. Was the Traffic Stop Valid? The police have to have a reasonable basis for conducting a traffic stop, a concept known as probable cause. For example, if a driver hasn't crossed the centerline repeatedly or wasn't speeding, the cops do not have grounds to conduct a stop in the first place.

When The Knock Comes: Who Can Allow A Search?

Most people appreciate the comfort and privacy a home provides, and when something happens to shatter that perception, it's quite alarming. Law enforcement has certain rights to visit, enter, and search your home or other private spaces, but those rights must be tempered with your own rights. If you were not actually at home when that knock at the door occurred, the search may or may not have been legal. Read on to learn more about who can allow searches of private spaces.

Understanding Wobbler Laws And DWI Charges

In a criminal case, there are some offenses that are known as "wobblers." That means a charge can be prosecuted either as a serious felony or as a relatively milder misdemeanor. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your arrest, driving while intoxicated can end up being a wobbler charge — even for a first offense. What sort of things can make driving while intoxicated (DWI) a "wobbler" that the prosecution can turn into a more serious charge?

Can A Criminal Record Hurt Your Workers' Comp Claim?

Workers' comp claims increase employers' costs of doing business and cuts into the insurance company's profits. Thus, you can expect that both your company and the workers' comp agency will look for ways to avoid paying your claim. One thing that may be used against you in your case is any criminal record you may have. Here' what you need to know about this possibility and how to guard against it.

Taking Legal Responsibility For A DUI Crime

Getting drunk and operating a motor vehicle before sobering up is one of the biggest mistakes that many people make on a daily basis. Sometimes people neglect to realize just how drunk they actually are and end up causing accidents while driving their vehicles. If you collided with another person's vehicle and caused one or more injuries in the process, you must prepare to face the legal consequences for your actions.

Two Options For Defending Yourself Against Assault Charges

Although assault is typically charged as a misdemeanor, being convicted of the crime can still mean jail time, fines, and other problems. To get the case off his or her desk, the prosecutor will likely offer a plea deal, but here are two defenses you can use that may help you avoid a conviction altogether. Show the Threat Wasn't Credible Assault is defined as a verbal or non-verbal threat that causes the recipient to fear he or she will be harmed in some way.